Precautions when downloading
*** Downloading this application is done in 2 steps. First download the app template, then download the entire content of the app. The download time may take 5-10 minutes on 64-bit devices and even longer on 32-bit devices when using Wi-Fi. Do not move out of the app until both steps are complete. *** ***
We bring you a mobile app for the home version of the MSD Manual of Medical Encyclopedia developed for patients, their families, and caregivers. The MSD Manual Home Edition app is written in easy-to-understand language for the general public and has many of the latest and most useful features. This home version provides clear and practical commentary on the symptoms of thousands of illnesses, diagnostic methods performed by doctors, and treatment details.
The following trusted medical information is always available in the MSD Manual Home Edition app:
• Health and medical information is written and updated regularly by over 350 medical professionals.
• You can search the encyclopedia by symptom name, disease name, or treatment, and the contents of the medical encyclopedia are written in easy-to-understand words.
• Photos and illustrations of various illnesses and injuries are posted.
• Watch videos to see and understand illnesses and treatments
• We offer interactive quizzes to check your health knowledge *
• View medical news that provides cutting-edge and important health information *
• View columns by leading healthcare professionals *
* Internet connection required.
About MSD Manual
MSD Manual Mission:
We believe that obtaining health information is a universal right for all humankind and that everyone has the right to access accurate medical information. By recording up-to-date, high-quality medical information without distortion and sharing it, everyone can make more informed decisions, strengthen the relationship of trust between patients and healthcare professionals, and We believe that it is our mission to improve the outcome of medical care around the world.
That's why we publish a multilingual MSD manual in digital format for free and make it available to healthcare professionals and patients around the world. No registration is required. There are no ads.
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See the End User Terms of Service for more information:
For more information about our handling of personal information, please see our Privacy Policy:
Adverse Event Reporting: If you would like to report an adverse event for a particular MSD product, please contact the National Service Center (1-800-672-6372).
Each country outside the United States may have established procedures for reporting adverse events. Please contact your country's MSD or health authorities for more information.
If you have any questions about the app or request support, please contact us at